Daniel Jones

Full-Stack Web Developer


I am a motivated, self-taught developer looking for an opportunity to work on either front-end or back-end web technologies. I've been building websites with HTML and CSS since the late '90s. Since 2012 I have been learning Python, and I very much enjoy using this language. My first exploration into back-end web programming was with the CherryPy framework. Since then I have used Flask and Django. In 2015 and early 2016 I spent a lot of time learning about front-end programming in JavaScript. I started using Git in 2012, and I believe this is an essential tool for developers. After starting freeCodeCamp's Front End Development Certification, I began attending weekly meet-ups for freeCodeCamp in Greenville, SC. At these meet-ups I have collaborated on coding challenges with fellow FCC students. I completed freeCodeCamp's Front End Development Certification in August 2016. I currently host and mentor at the weekly freeCodeCamp meet-ups in Greenville. Since the fall of 2017, I have been a mentor for the SC Codes program. My experience with Linux server administration goes back to the mid 2000s. I have experience deploying LAMP stack software such as phpBB and Wordpress. I've employed Docker for deployment of my own Python back-end projects. Most recently I've migrated all of my personal projects to AWS Lambda using Zappa. I've been employed for more than 13 years as a computer technician repairing Windows desktop and laptop computers.




A full-stack image hosting app built with React and Flask-RESTful. Image uploads go directly to S3. Flask backend provides API for React frontend and provides JSON interface for building dynamic image galleries. Deployed to AWS Lambda using Zappa. GitHub repository at tortxof/flask-imghost. Live at imghost.djones.co


A reproduction of the classic Simon game in JavaScript. Built for FreeCodeCamp. View project on CodePen.


An interactive game allowing the user to play tic-tac-toe against a computer opponent. Uses jQuery. View project on CodePen.

Pomodoro Timer

An app that helps the user in applying the Pomodoro Technique of time management. View project on CodePen.

Wikipedia Viewer

Uses AJAX requests to get search results from Wikipedia. Displays search results using Handlebars template. View project on CodePen.


A Flask application for managing the membership roster of an RC club. The admin interface lists members based on membership expiry date (current, expired, previous year). Provides JSON import and export. Search using sqlite3 full text search (FTS4). Provides mass email using the Mailgun API for sending newsletters, announcements, etc. Read-only passwordless login is provided to members through a signed token sent in newsletters, or emailed to an individual member via the login page. Provides CSV and XLSX export of roster. Uses the Flask framework and peewee ORM connecting to PostgreSQL. Deployed to AWS Lambda using Zappa. GitHub repository at tortxof/rc-club-members.


This application provides a publicly-available self-serve form handling back-end. The user retrieves a key pair (secret key and form key) from the app, then uses the form key in their HTML forms. The user can then use their secret key to retrieve submitted form data. The app provides both web and JSON interfaces. Uses the Flask framework. Deployed to AWS Lambda using Zappa. Uses AWS DynamoDB for data persistence. GitHub repo at tortxof/flask-signup. Live at signup.djones.co.

Black Sheep RC Club

Static website built using Jekyll. Started in January 2014. Uses Susy for CSS layout. PDF newsletters are generated using wkhtmltopdf. Live website at bsrcc.com. GitHub repository at tortxof/blacksheeprcclub-www.


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